

Various vaccinations

 From April 2022, the cervical cancer vaccine (HPV vaccine) has been actively recommended by the Japan's Ministry of Health. To prevent diseases, Togoshiginza Ladies Clinic offers various vaccinations. Our clinic are open not only on weekday but also on weekend. You can choose the time to suit your lifestyle. If you are interested, please feel free to contact us.

Various pill prescriptions

 If you wish, we will prescribe a birth control pill, menstrual movement pill. Emergency pills (morning-after pills) are also available. If you are interested, please ask the staff. If it might be necessary, we may conduct additional tests covered by insurance.

Preconception care

 Preconception care refers to care before pregnancy. Refers to health care for young people to prepare for future pregnancy and physical changes. By knowing your current physical condition, we aim to improve your health management and quality of life in accordance with your life plan. For those who desire it, it will lead to healthy pregnancies and childbirth, expanding the possibilities for the health of the next generation of children. At our clinic, you can take the examination as below.

Medical interview
Blood pressure measurement
Urine test
Blood test
Basal body temperature
Gynecological examination
Infectious disease testing
Various antibody tests
Breast check

Youth clinic

 A youth clinic is a clinic for young people. Our clinic aims to serve as a point of contact for young people in their teens to early twenties. The purpose is to receive consultation on their physical and sexual health. It takes about 15 minutes for one coin (500 yen), no insurance card is required, and no medical examination is required. You can talk to medical professionals (doctors, midwives, nurses) about things you cannot tell your parents or friends about, things you don't know about your body, and things you are worried about. No one will know about your visit or the details of your consultation.
*The event will be held irregularly, and we will notify on our website and SNS once the date and time is decided.


 Our clinic has massage rooms. In partnership with Mama's Body, which specializes in women's bodies, we approach problems and changes that occur in women's bodies from the perspective of massage. We have a variety of menus centered around chiropractic, pelvic correction, and aroma therapy. We will improve your body's condition while relaxing in a different atmosphere than a medical treatment. Usually, of course, during pregnancy and before childbirth. We can perform the treatment even after giving birth, so please contact us if you are interested. Reservations must be made at least 3 days before the desired reservation date. The available days and times for reservations are as follows.

 【Reservations: Wednesday, Friday 10:00~/11:00~】 
  40min aroma massage (Using aroma oil) 6600yen ( tax included)
  40min massage (Not using aroma oil) 5000yen ( tax included)

Self-pay medical treatment fee

Initial consultation fee2200yen (tax included)
Re-consultation fee1650yen (tax included)
Pregnancy test (urine test)1650yen (tax included)
Cervical cancer test4400yen (tax included)
HPV simple test (human papillomavirus)5500yen (tax included)
Endometrial cancer test4400yen (tax included)
Various ultrasonic tests3300yen (tax included)
Ovarian cancer test, pregnancy confirmation, follicle check, etc.
Cervical cancer vaccine (one time)Sylgard 9 valent 33000yen (tax included)
Gardasil tetravalent 17600yen (tax included)
Measles-rubella combination vaccine (MR vaccine)11000yen (tax included)
Rubella vaccine7700yen (tax included)
Rubella antibody test (HI method)3300yen (tax included)
Influenza vaccine4000yen (tax included)
Eligible age will be over 13 years old.
Shingles vaccine22000yen (tax included)
Menstrual movement3300yen (tax included)
Mirena insertion for contraception55000yen (tax included)
Emergency contraception (Morning After Pill)11000yen (tax included)
Birth control pill (1 sheet)2970yen (tax included)
Blood test for birth control pill3300yen (tax included)
Sexually transmitted disease (STD) test for one item3300yen (tax included)
Vaginal bacterial culture test3300yen (tax included)
Placenta shot (one shot)1100yen (tax included)
AMH7700yen (tax included)

*If your visit medical treatment by a doctor in a consulting room, an initial consultation fee and re-examination fee will be charged.

Shinagawa residentsRegarding vaccination and uterine cancer test subsidies

Uterine cancer test
 Shinagawa Ward will send consultation tickets to even-numbered residents (female) of 20 years or older. If you wish to undergo a test, please be sure to bring your Shinagawa City uterine cancer screening ticket and identification documents (such as your health insurance card).
Cervical cancer vaccine (woman)
 The vaccine is for girls whose age are 6th grade of elementary school to 1st year of high school. A vaccine ticket will be sent by Shinagawa-ward. The available vaccines are bivalent vaccine (Cervarix®), quadrivalent vaccine (Gardasil®), and nine-valent vaccine (Sylgard®). If possible, try to get the same vaccine for all three times.
*People who are equivalent to second-year high school students also eligible for catch-up vaccinations until the end of March 2025, and can receive them at public expense. If you do not have a ticket or are receiving catch-up vaccinations, please obtain one from the Shinagawa City website. If you wish to receive public funding, please be sure to bring the following items.
・A vaccine ticket which is send by Shinagawa-ward
・Maternity handbook
Cervical cancer vaccine (male)
 This vaccine is also for boys in the 6th grade of elementary school to 1st year of high school who live in Shinagawa Ward as of the vaccination date. The only vaccine used is the quadrivalent HPV vaccine (Gardasil®). Vaccination tickets will be distributed by medical institutions on the day of vaccination. Please bring your maternal and child health handbook with you on the day of vaccination.
MR (measles/rubella) vaccine
 If you are a registered for the resident of Shinagawa City, 19 years of age or older and a woman who wants to become pregnant or a partner of a woman who wants to become pregnant, you can take a rubella antibody test for free. If your rubella antibody level is low, you can receive vaccination (MR vaccine or rubella-only vaccine) free of charge. When visiting the clinic, please bring an official document that confirms that you are a resident of Shinagawa Ward, and if you are a partner, please bring a document that confirms that you are a woman who wishes to become pregnant. Please be sure to bring the following items.
・Insurance card
・Official certificate that can confirm address (insurance card, driver's license, My Number, etc.)
・For those who have already taken an antibody test, a document showing the results
Shingles vaccine
 Shinagawa residents who are 50 years of age or older as of the vaccination date are eligible. There are two types of vaccines that can be administered: live varicella vaccine (Viken) and inactivated vaccine (Shingrix). Viken will receive a subsidy of 5,000 yen per use (up to 1 time) and Shingrix will receive a subsidy of 10,000 yen per use (up to 2 times). Please refer to the ward's website for details on eligibility for subsidies and points to note. Please bring a vaccination ticket from the ward's website and make an appointment before coming to the clinic.

 For information on vaccination subsidies in Shinagawa City, please refer to the local government website below.


For patients

For the first time to visit our clinic.Please be sure to bring your insurance card and...

Obstetrics and Prenatal Care


